September 5, 2012

Chef's Warehouse, Surry Hills

I think I was in heaven! There was equipment everywhere! All you need to do is walk down Albion St and look for the red and white building with a huge whisk above the door. Don't be deterred by the trade only sign, they sell to the public too!

This is what I bought:
1kg Fondant icing ($8.50)
10 pack NO2 charges ($5.50)
50 pack 115x65mm pine boat dish ($5.00)
250mm long garnishing tongs ($2.69)
600x400mm Teflon/fiberglass baking mat ($13.30)

Chef's Warehouse
111-115 Albion Street
Surry Hills
Sydney 2010


  1. :) Just visited your blog today, and realised you changed your website name, haha. Congrats tho, this blog looks great! and wow cheap baking supplies @ surryhills, good find!

    1. Haha yes, thanks Tina! Yep, I realized I've been seeing this store almost every day for the past couple of years without knowing what it sold... But now that I've discovered it... Muahahah.
